Data Needs to be
Owned by Those
Who Know it Best

Only edgeCore™ lets you treat data as a product to empower users to unlock actionable insights specific to their lines of business, driving profits and efficiency from all data sources – regardless of who owns and manages the data set.

The edgeCore™ Solution


Drive Faster Actions
The edgeCore DTO solution helps business leaders and teams see operations in context to build consensus and teamwork, make better decisions driven by insights and guidance, and act with increased efficiency and productivity leveraging automation.
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Composable Experiences

Upskilled, Happier & more Productive Users
edgeCore™ empowers you combine the features of multiple enterprise apps on one screen to address your users' unique business needs. The result – upskilled, happier and more productive users.
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Actionable Data at the Speed of Relevance
Good decisions – and timely actions – require real time information from ever-changing sources. The most cost effective, configurable, and sustainable solution is a secure Data Mesh architecture by edgeCore™.
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Drive Faster Actions
The edgeCore DTO solution helps business leaders and teams see operations in context to build consensus and teamwork, make better decisions driven by insights and guidance, and act with increased efficiency and productivity leveraging automation.
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Composable Apps

The Result – Upskilled, Happier and more Productive Users
edgeCore™ empowers you combine the features of multiple enterprise apps on one screen to address your users' unique business needs. The result – upskilled, happier and more productive users.
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Actionable Data at the Speed of Relevance
Good decisions – and timely actions – require real time information from ever-changing sources. The most cost effective, configurable, and sustainable solution is a secure Data Mesh architecture by edgeCore™.
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edgeCore™ for Federal Governments

The Proven Technology In Use Provides Real-Time Situational Awareness In Some Of The Most Secure Organizations In The World.
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Reach Critical Data 14X Faster & Reduce Risk while Boosting Customer Service

edgeCore™ integrates and centralizes information from any system in real-time to facilitate human-in-the-loop dashboards that improve accuracy, enhance user performance, and improve customer satisfaction.
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Architecture Engineering & Construction

Maximize Safety, Efficiency and Profitability

Disconnected systems, inflexible and confusing user interfaces, complicated workflows – these are some of today's profit killers. edgeCore allows you to rapidly integrate all of your tech solutions to five every end user a personal Single Pane of Glass to help them get their job done.
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Oil & Gas

Optimize Gas Well Performance and Productivity in Weeks, Achieving 10X ROI

edgeCore™ delivers insights engineers need, in real-time, streamlining operations and improving productivity and production in days and weeks – not months.
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Go Beyond Resilient Supply Chain Management

Future-Proofed and Cost Effective – edgeCore™ provides detailed, data-driven insights that balance cost efficiency with unparalleled supply chain resilience.
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Home Health Testing, Simplified

Leverage edgeCore™ to securely boost deployment of millions of diagnostic tests quickly, easily and at scale.
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Managed Service

Optimized IT Services
Made Simple

From security to automation, edgeCore™ helps MSPs deliver differentiated solutions – seamlessly and at scale.
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The Proven Technology In Use Provides Real-Time Situational Awareness In Some Of The Most Secure Organizations In The World.
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edgeCore™ integrates and centralizes information from any system in real-time to facilitate human-in-the-loop dashboards that improve accuracy, enhance user performance, and improve customer satisfaction.
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Architecture Engineering & Construction

Disconnected systems, confusing user interfaces, complicated workflows – these are some of today's profit killers. edgeCore allows you to rapidly integrate all of your tech solutions to every end user a personal Single Pane of Glass to help them get their job done.
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Oil & Gas

edgeCore™ delivers insights engineers need, in real-time, streamlining operations and improving productivity and production in days and weeks – not months.
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Future-Proofed and Cost Effective – edgeCore™ provides detailed, data-driven insights that balance cost efficiency with unparalleled supply chain resilience.
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Leverage edgeCore™ to securely boost deployment of millions of diagnostic tests quickly, easily and at scale.
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For more information please contact us today!

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