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Enhancing Cybersecurity Operations with Consolidated Views

By on November 15th, 2019

Consolidated views of crucial cybersecurity and network data allow SOC professionals to mitigate security threats more effectively.

When a cyber-security threat emerges, security operations center (SOC) professionals must act quickly to mitigate risk and stop bad actors in their tracks. As a a former cybersecurity analyst, you quickly learn that without a secure, comprehensive, reliable source of security data, or an effective platform for accessing that data, even the smartest security expert in the room can’t do much. In fact, without the right tools, a threat may not even be detected in the first place. That’s why many organizations use Micro Focus’ ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM), a security event and information manager (SIEM) platform that “dramatically reduces the time to identify and mitigate cyber-security threats.” Consolidated views.

Security Data is Not Enough on its Own

ArcSight is a powerful tool, but security data alone is not always enough to effectively detect, analyze and solve security issues. For example, let’s say ArcSight detects a pattern of breaches in a new set of high end routers, but engineers can’t figure out why the breaches are happening. Layering on network data allows those professionals to correlate the breaches to a particular type of devices and formulate a proper solution. For this reason, one of the features most commonly in-demand in the cybersecurity sector are Consolidated Views.


Consolidated Views Enhance Cybersecurity

Consolidating network and security data in one dashboard in real-time allows SOC personnel and other cyber-security experts to see correlations more clearly, and eradicate threats on a deeper layer. Logging in to half a dozen different platforms, and then trying to piece together information to present a clear view of security events is a laborious process that yields weaker results. Integrating data and UIs from disparate data sources is one step in the right direction for ArcSight users trying to contain threats in a more efficient manner by combining security and network data in one visualization. Incidents, changes, and application performance data are more layers of intelligence that can be leveraged. According to CSO Online, Data breaches cost enterprises an average of $3.92 million, so using commercial SIEM tools to stitch together the disparate sources of data and look for patterns is good business and reputation loss prevention and protection.


What and How to Consolidate for Better Operations

Maintaining cybersecurity and protecting against threats is crucial for any enterprise, military, or governmental organization. Those using ArcSight or another SIEM are already on the right path. Imagine bringing all the data points together in a single place on a single pane that lets you stay focused as you mitigate attacks – How clicking on one object can sync every other component.


Maintaining cyber security and protecting against threats is crucial for any enterprise, military or governmental organization. Those using ArcSight are already on the right path, but adding a tool like Edge to the arsenal means eradicating threats even faster.  Edge is not just any data visualization tool. The secure platform offers consolidated views of disparate data sources, role-based access control (RBAC), complex KPIs, and simplified visual displays of data that complement the more technical presentation of information inside ArcSight.


You’ll want to bring these kinds of views together:

  • Correlated Security Event Data – SIEM like Arcsight
  • Security Intelligence – Security Feeds on latest malware, botnets, malicious code
  • Vulnerability Countermeasure Registries – Mitre CVE
  • New Visualizations like Sankey and Graph that show associations and patterns
  • Injection of AI systems that look for patterns, anomalies
  • Change Registry from ITSM
  • Application Performance and Behavior

By complementing your existing assets with a Connected Intelligence Platform like Edge, analysts can work with less fatigue, stay in the moment, and empower containment, mitigation, and recovery at faster and more effective rates. Connected Intelligence platforms consolidate views of disparate data sources, provide role-based access control (RBAC) and secure single sign on and sign off, aggregate complex KPIs, and then simplify visual displays, arming them with insight and analyst triggered operations.


Learn more about Enhancing your Operations and contact us today for a demonstration or discussion?

