What You See Is Where You Wanted It

An improvement over WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) As many businesses have increased their digital activity, many of us are inundated by a nonstop flow of information (Yes, I realize that this message is part of the nonstop flow). After examining the data and considering the actions of others in the industry, […]

Tech Republic Publishes “Surviving COVID-19: Lessons learned by a tech CEO”

edgeTI CEO who contracted COVID-19 early in the pandemic shares his experiences and observations as a leader

edgeTI CEO who contracted COVID-19 early in the pandemic shares further thoughts on communications, customers, and family. by Todd R. Weiss in CXO on June 16, 2020, 12:42 PM PST COVID-19 has so far killed 116,250 people in the US and 437,939 people around the world as the coronavirus pandemic rages on without a vaccine. […]

eWeek Publishes “A CEO’s Life Lessons Learned After Beating COVID-19”

CEO edgeTI

EdgeTI CEO in the News eWEEK SPECIAL FEATURE: edgeTI chief executive also learned a few things about himself, along with things that he never would have taken the time to consider before this enforced timeout. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve survived an ordeal that has killed tens of thousands of others, and I’ve learned a […]