Webinar Demonstration October 24, 2024:

edgeCore™ for
Command Center Operations

Command Center Leaders and Agents require reliable, secure real-time awareness across a variety of situations that range from simple to utter chaos. The people coordinating response need to be empowered to act across resources and spaces using the data you own and third-party sources.

The speed of a crisis and the blending of data and control interfaces from multiple generations of emergency services creates gaps and slower responses that could jeopardize lives or allow a situation to spiral out of control. Tensions run high and the people on the glass lines need every bit of help and advantage they can to coordinate situations.

Our company was born in the critical demands of military command and control environments. We understand the need for speed and what it takes to deliver real-time insights under pressure. edgeTI solutions empower a very large emergency communications operator to unify perspectives down to a block to seeing across an entire state. Another center coordinates cybersecurity operations across 20 nations, navigating diverse command structures and installations.

Due to a multitude of events Crisis Centers are becoming a thing for companies, too. A recent survey indicated that 4 out of 7 large enterprises said they were establishing enterprise command centers. It’s quite easy when you have the right tools and a repeatable plan to create your mission control center.

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“Before edgeCore, our people would move from system to system, entering and moving data between systems. What took a single person 12 minutes on average to execute and validate dropped to 30 seconds – all because Edge helped us create a Single Point of Control”

Managing Director
Global Business Processing Outsourcer

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