Webinar Demonstration July 11, 2024:
edgeCore™ for Cloud
Management & Observability
Cloud Management Teams and Application Owners need to deploy and tune applications across a wide variety of hosting scenarios that require united Observability and Controllability to assure great user experiences and unstoppable availability.
Long gone are the simple days of EC2 servers, load balancers, a single database, and availability zones. Today’s application architectures contend with specialized hardware, databases, containers, tools, microservices, serverless functions, security, and app stack platforms. All these options make engineering slower and mismanaging your footprint can literally burn precious working capital for your organization. Keeping up with the latest is great until it cost you money, time, and supportability.
We have lived these challenges firsthand with the largest banks and cloud service providers and faced the trade-offs of deploying our own software in every possible environment and service scenario. edgeCore™ and cloud practices are using our software to make deployment, observability, and controllability a unified experience where deployment and management are faster, more mindful, and completely visible.
For better cloud management and complete observability, we connect your tools, use our cloud management interfaces with your CICD tools, and in moments you are running eyes-wide open fully observable, and controllable – one single point of control.
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“Before edgeCore, our people would move from system to system, entering and moving data between systems. What took a single person 12 minutes on average to execute and validate dropped to 30 seconds – all because Edge helped us create a Single Point of Control”
Managing Director
Global Business Processing Outsourcer