CoverageForbes Tickets And Bugs: 18 Tips For Creating Prioritization Protocols

Tickets And Bugs: 18 Tips For Creating Prioritization Protocols

By on February 14th, 2024

Tickets And Bugs: 18 Tips For Creating Prioritization Protocols

Expert Panel® | Forbes Councils Member
Forbes Technology Council
COUNCIL POST | Membership

In most businesses today, no team has more “customers” than the tech team. They are tasked not only with serving and delighting the company’s clients, but also with maintaining internal systems and helping their co-workers address bugs and improve their productivity through technology. Complicating matters further, everyone likely thinks their request or issue should be priority No. 1.

On many days, tech leaders may well say to themselves, “It never rains but it pours.” When a flood of tech tickets and bugs hits the team’s to-do list, it’s up to tech leaders to seek out and review needed data and then make the final call on what to tackle first. Below, 18 members of Forbes Technology Council share their tested tips to help fellow tech leaders cut through the noise and establish a priority list when faced with a slew of tickets and requests.

16. Consider An ‘Apple Store’ Approach

One approach I have witnessed is walk-up services and hack sessions delivered in the form of an in-house “Apple Store.” Unlike online ticket forms, users with needs can drop in or schedule a visit and show the tech staff the issue. This often uncovers disconnects, unnecessary toil or broken processes that can be corrected or improved through a workaround. You can create the same type of approach via video too. – Jim Barrett, Edge Total Intelligence

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Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive.

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Edge Total Intelligence helps customers achieve the impossible with its real-time digital operations software, edgeCore™. With edgeTI, customers improve their margins and agility by rapidly transforming siloed systems and data across evolving situations in business, technology, and cross-domain operations.
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