edgeTI Awarded Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) from NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA)


BOA offers NATO members accelerated procurement process to subscribe to edgeCore software to visualize cross-domain operations and accelerate actions ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Edge Total Intelligence Inc. (“edgeTI”), a leader in real-time digital operations software, announced today that it has signed a Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA #115779) with the NATO Communications […]

edgeTI™ Partners with OnSolve® to Deliver Comprehensive Risk Management and Strengthen Organizational Resilience


ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Edge Total Intelligence Inc. (“edgeTI”), a leading provider of real-time digital operations software, today announced it has partnered with OnSolve, a leading critical event management provider that helps organizations mitigate physical threats and remain agile when a crisis strikes, to deliver comprehensive situational awareness and response and critical […]

edgeTI accepted into Forbes Technology Council

Forbes Technology Council Is an Invitation-Only Community for World-Class CIOs, CTOs, and Technology Executives. Arlington, VA, USA  August 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Edge Total Intelligence Inc. (“edgeTI”), a leading executive decision support and automation platform provider, is pleased to announce its CEO, Jim Barrett, has been accepted into Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community […]

edgeTI appears on TMX Series “The Podcast – Episode 10”


Delilah Panio, Vice President of Capital Formation for TMX hosted Jim Barrett, CEO of EdgeTI (TSXV:CTRL) and Christian Mack, Managing Director of Lotus Innovations on July 5th. This was a unique conversation with the CEO of a recently listed US tech company and their primary investor on why those chose to list on TSX Venture […]

edgeTI Becomes Part of U. S. Air Force’s $950 Million Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) Effort

Air Force JADC2 edgeTI

Edge Technologies Inc., the U.S. operating company of Edge Total Intelligence Inc. (“edgeTI“,) has been awarded a $950,000,000 ceiling indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the maturation, demonstration, and proliferation of capability across platforms and domains, leveraging open systems design, modern software and algorithm development in order to enable Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2). This contract […]

Build vs. Buy. Is this really the right question?

Build vs Buy - blog by Nicholas Brigman

Yes and No. If the meanings are not defined ahead of time as to what constitutes build versus buy, you could be arguing the same position. Another common derailment is the scope of the decision. Are you making your build vs. buy choice about an entire system (like a forest) or a component (tree)? Taking […]

Finding Balance Between Low Code & Security Policy

Low Code

The world is learning to live with COVID. Things are coming back to normal. Well, not really.  “A competitor just got taken for $8 Million in ransomware. You just won executive approval to really get moving on your digital strategy and you can’t land the talent you need. Inside LinkedIn, reviewing your feed, one company […]

edgeCore™ Product Updates: New Features & Functions

edgeCore Product Update

In the last two releases (edgeCore 4.3.7 and 4.3.8), we launched new functionalities and introduced various improvements to help you achieve better results. Let’s take a look at the edgeCore™ updates you will not want to miss. Introducing the edgeCore Time Series Transform What do server performance, temperature, and stock market prices have in common? In all […]

Microsoft Teams Visualizing Complexity to Coordinate Action

Microsoft Teams

It’s 3 AM EDTManagers and stakeholders flood into Microsoft Teams from a range of time zones. The latest critical business situation threatens to tank the quarter, if not the company. Each person responsible for a set of operations, a process, or a piece of infrastructure is present. In turn, they express their allusions and speculations […]

Call Center Automation:

Call Center Demoo

It’s Not A Single Pane Until It Includes Call Control The world of call center management leans heavily on data. From the managers’ perspectives, the interest is in metrics and KPIs. From the operators’ perspective, the data needs to revolve around the mission of serving the connected customer. I’m going to assume that you’ve chosen […]